For over 60 years, OEHS professionals have trusted the SKC name and products to help achieve healthier workplaces and a healthier world every day.
Your critical mission requires best-in-class tools to protect workers from hazardous exposures. At SKC, we are committed to delivering quality occupational safety and industrial hygiene equipment and media. From sorbent tubes to air sampling pumps, size-selective samplers to noise instruments, SKC is your partner for quality products, expertise, and service.
Whether you need repair or calibration services or are looking to rent reliable sampling equipment, SKC can help. We can also connect you with a trusted lab equipped to analyze sampling media for your applications. SKC — using our science to support you throughout your mission.
SKC is a well-known and respected leader in industrial hygiene and occupational safety. We produced and marketed some of the very first air sample pumps and collection media when the industry first took shape in the 1970s.
Since then, SKC has continued to lead the industry forward by offering innovative technologies as well as advanced scientific knowledge and expertise to both customers and the marketplace in general. SKC has also continued to lead with a high level of integrity, a focus on continuous improvement, and a sincere dedication to the safety and well-being of people.
From whitepapers, webinars, and videos, there's educational content from the experts at SKC available 24/7 on our Knowledge Center. Topics include air sampling, calibrations, noise monitoring, and much more.
Knowledge Center