Principle of Operation
The operating principle of the SKC Film Flowmeter is simple: the sampling pump to be calibrated is attached to the top of a volumetric glass tube containinga small amount of liquid soap. As the pump draws air through the tube, a flatsoap bubble is interposed in the flow path. While the air flow causes the soapfilm to move from one volume mark to another, the travel time is measured witha stopwatch. The flow rate can then be directly calculated using the travel timeand the known tube volume, or it can be read from the flow chart. The test isquick and easy to perform. With a film flowmeter, flow rates are based upon theinherent, unchanging properties of the measuring apparatus. The 303 PortableFlowmeter and the 311 Laboratory Film Flowmeter kits are calibrated to within ± 2% of the volumes marked on the flowmeter and are supplied with a certificate of calibration.
Model 303 Portable Field Flowmeter Kit
Range: 5 to 500 ml/min
The SKC 303 Portable Flowmeter Kit contains all of the equipment,except a stopwatch, required for calibrating low flow pumps typically used for sorbent tube sampling. The complete kit weighs only 3 pounds (1.4 kg) and includes a 100-ml buret flowmeter, film solution, operating instructions, flow charts, and a removable carry case. Calibration lines for 90, 95, 105, and 110 ml are also on the buret; allowing for the calibration of detector tube pumps.
303 Flowmeter
303 Flowmeter with Pump Calibration Train
Model 311 Laboratory Film Flowmeter Kit
Range: 300 to 3000 ml/min
311 Flowmeter |
311 Flowmeter side arm for pressure sources
The SKC 311 Laboratory Film Flowmeter Kit consists of a glass tube with red calibration lines at specified volumes, a squeeze bulb to contain sufficient soap film solution for flow measurement, an adapter to accommodate either vacuum or pressure sources, a stopper and connecting tubing, a tripod stand, film solution, and operating instructions. The SKC 311 Laboratory Film Flowmeter Kit provides quick and accurate flow determinations at specified flow rates.
About Built-in Flowmeters and Rotameters
The ball-type flowmeters and rotameters built into most air sampling pumps areprimarily intended to serve as flow indicators and are, therefore, of low accuracy.These flowmeters as well as rotameters must be calibrated against a primary standardsuch as a film flowmeter or electronic calibrator to verify accuracy.